Healthy Eyes, Healthy Lives

February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) awareness month. This is a great opportunity to bring up the many ways we can be proactive with the prevention of AMD. Nutrition is a key factor in helping you lower the chances of developing AMD. Dietary intake of...

MiSight Contacts for Myopia Management

Ever ask, “How can I stop my child’s vision from changing each year?” We finally have the answer for you!! We are excited to announce that our practice is one of the few certified to fit a new, state-of-the-art, daily disposable contact lens called...
November Diabetes Awareness Month

November Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is the leading cause of vision loss for Americans under the age of 74. It interferes with the body’s ability to use and store sugar (glucose). Diabetes is typically characterized by too much sugar in the blood, which can cause damage to the body –...

Dry Eye Season

Are your eyes burning? Do they water? Do they feel gritty? If so, you could be suffering from one of the many effects that COVID-19 has brought us…dry eye. This can be from wearing your mask, or from the increased near work on digital devices. We want to help...
Know the Facts About Cataracts

Know the Facts About Cataracts

Did you know, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world? Cataracts affect nearly 20.5 million Americans age 40 and older.* If you are over the age of 50, you should have a yearly comprehensive eye exam to detect cataracts as they develop. A cataract is...
Get the Facts About Lazy Eye

Get the Facts About Lazy Eye

Lazy eye, or amblyopia, occurs when one eye fails to reach normal visual acuity, even with prescription lenses. In most cases, this begins in infancy and early childhood. If left untreated, lazy eye can result in blindness, loss of vision, or the abnormal development...