Are you a digital native?

Have you heard the term “Digital Natives”? No? Truthfully, we had not either, but the term makes total sense! Digital Natives refers to the generation of individuals that do not remember life without technology. The oldest members of this group of individuals are...

Up your game with sport-specific sunglasses! 

Everyone knows the importance of sunglasses, or at least we hope everyone knows! First and foremost, sunglasses protect the eyes and the delicate skin around the eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun. However…did you know there are a host of sunglasses on the...

Is your peanut butter green?

If you have colorblindness or CVD (Color Vision Deficiency) that’s the color it may appear to you. An estimated 350,000 people in the world have CVD and there is no cure. Can you imagine how frustrating (and scary!) it would be to not know if the stoplight you are at...